
Video: 1st OVWG expert panel on the topics of player protection and sports sponsoring


On 7 June, the 1st OVWG expert round took place at the Haus des Sports in Vienna on the topics of player protection and sports sponsoring. After a keynote by Claus Retschitzegger, President of OVWG....

Video: 1st OVWG expert panel on the topics of player protection and sports sponsoring2019-11-13T10:49:06+02:00

Player protection: OVWG Members take their responsibility seriously!


In a recent study, the University of Lucerne shows that online gambling is not associated with more (addictive) risks than stationary gambling and that these risks can be significantly reduced in a regulated market with targeted player protection measures....

Player protection: OVWG Members take their responsibility seriously!2019-11-13T10:35:37+02:00
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